Lexis Rex Inicio

Conjugación de administer

to administeradministrar

Presente de indicativoAnotado
I administeryo administro
you administertú administras
he administersél administra
she administersella administra
we administernosotros administramos
you administervosotros administráis
they administerellos administran
they administerellas administran

Pretérito / Simple pastAnotado
I administeredyo administré
you administeredtú administraste
he administeredél administró
she administeredella administró
we administerednosotros administramos
you administeredvosotros administrasteis
they administeredellos administraron
they administeredellas administraron

Pretérito perfectoAnotado
I have administeredyo he administrado
you have administeredtú has administrado
he has administeredél ha administrado
she has administeredella ha administrado
we have administerednosotros hemos administrado
you have administeredvosotros habéis administrado
they have administeredellos han administrado
they have administeredellas han administrado

Pretérito pluscuamperfecto / PluperfectAnotado
I had administeredyo había administrado
you had administeredtú habías administrado
he had administeredél había administrado
she had administeredella había administrado
we had administerednosotros habíamos administrado
you had administeredvosotros habíais administrado
they had administeredellos habían administrado
they had administeredellas habían administrado

Futuro de indicativoAnotado
I will administeryo administraré
you will administertú administrarás
he will administerél administrará
she will administerella administrará
we will administernosotros administraremos
you will administervosotros administraréis
they will administerellos administrarán
they will administerellas administrarán

Futuro perfecto / Future perfectAnotado
I will have administeredyo habré administrado
you will have administeredtú habrás administrado
he will have administeredél habrá administrado
she will have administeredella habrá administrado
we will have administerednosotros habremos administrado
you will have administeredvosotros habréis administrado
they will have administeredellos habrán administrado
they will have administeredellas habrán administrado

I would administeryo administraría
you would administertú administrarías
he would administerél administraría
she would administerella administraría
we would administernosotros administraríamos
you would administervosotros administraríais
they would administerellos administrarían
they would administerellas administrarían

Condicional perfecto / Conditional perfectAnotado
I would have administeredyo habría administrado
you would have administeredtú habrías administrado
he would have administeredél habría administrado
she would have administeredella habría administrado
we would have administerednosotros habríamos administrado
you would have administeredvosotros habríais administrado
they would have administeredellos habrían administrado
they would have administeredellas habrían administrado

Participio presenteAnotado
administering administrando

Participio pasadoAnotado
administered administrado

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